About lithopone
TIME:2020-01-03 VIEWS:0


Molecular formula: Zns

CAS: 1345-05-7


traits: color white 

solution: do not dissolve in water. 

purposes: to paint large industries, not only for the white paint, and prepared for all kinds of light-colored paint. Also used rubber, ink, Qibu, tarpaulins, paper, ceramic, leather, and so on. 

preparation or sources: the barium and zinc sulfate sulfide from the decomposition of the complex system of calcination. 

Note: ZnS barium sulfate mixed with white paint, Hiding Power Bai than zinc, but behind titanium dioxide. In alkaline solution of hydrogen sulfide and non-functional, when acid decomposition and produce hydrogen sulfide gas. Sunlight exposure discoloration long, but recovery still on the dark primary color. 

categories: inorganic salts